Monday, January 17, 2011

Taj Mahal

Tajmahal, it is a beautiful building which is built by the
fifth mugal emparor SHAH JAHAN. It is built because of a promise made
by our hero SHAH JAHAN to his beloved wife
MUMTAZ. They spent 41 millions rupees 50 kilos of gold. About 20000
workers laboured for 12 years to complete it in 1643.

Tajmahal is made up of pure white marble to show the
pure love Shah Jahan had on mumtaz. the filigree screen, dainity carved in a single
block of marble.It has a very brilliant and beautiful artistic works which
adds a real beautiness of a building it makes Indians proud that they are
also famous for archetic works. Mumtaz mahal's cenotaph raised on a platfoarm
is placed naxt to Shah Jahan's The actual graves in a dark crypt below are
closed to the public. the lotus pool has lotus shaped fountains spouts, the pool
reflects the tomb. flowers such as tulip, lily, irisand poppy were depicted as
srays or in arabesque patterns.white marble, black slates, yellow red and grey
sandstones used for decoration

Shah Jahan was also known as Shahbuddin Mohammed
Shah Jahan who ruled INDIA from 1628 to 1658. He born on 5th januvary 1592.
The period of Shah Jahan's rule in India is regarded as THE GOLDEN AGE
OF INDIAN ARCHETECTURE. He loves archetec works
His main aim was to rule the whole world but when he succeded the throne
of his father Jahangir, he was titled as 'Lord of the Auspicious
he was also told by his people as THE KING OF THE WORLD. As he was
a fine ruler he also constucted many buildings namely
Red Fort or Lal Quila (Delhi)
Agra Fort (Partly)
Jama Masjid (Delhi)
Moti Masjid or Pearl Mosque (Lahore)
Shalimar Gardens (Lahore)
Sections of the Lahore Fort (Lahore)
Jahangir Mausoleum
Shahjahan Mosque (Thatta)
One of his son AURANGAZEB took an oppurtunity to take
over the throne. Shahjahn has gone ill in 1657. His son thron him in the
prison and our hero died in the year 1666

Mumtaz Mahal is a common nick name of Arjumand Banu
Begum, an Empress of India during the Mughal Dynasty. She born in Agra.
She was relegiously a SHIA MUSLIM.
She was married on the age 14 to Prince Khurram, who would later ascend
the Peacock Throne as Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan I. She was very
beauiful and every poet compairs her beautiness with their writtings.
She was a kind, gentle and lovable woman.

Shri. P.N.OAK:
purushottam Nagesh Oak (March 2, 1917 - December 4, 2007),
commonly referred to as P. N. Oak, was an Indian writer. Who tries to
prove that Taj Mahal is a HINDU TEMPLE. Some of his research follows

1. The ending mahal is never Muslim because in none of the countries around the world from AFGHANISTAN TO ALGERIA is there a building known as MAHAL

2. The unusual explanation of the term Tajmahal derives from Mumtaz Mahal, who buried in it is illogical in atleast two respectsm viz., first her name was not Mumtazmaal but Mmtaz-ul-zamani and second one cannot omit the first three letters MUM from a woman's name to derive the remainder as the name of the building.

3. The tomb should be understood to signify NOT A BUILDING but only the grave or centotaph inside it. This would help people to ealize that all dead muslim couriers and roylty including Humayun, AKbar, Mumtaz, Etmasd-ud-Daula and Safdarjang have been buried in capture Hindu mansions and temples.

4. Moreover if the Taj is belived to be a burial place, how can the term Mahal'i.ei, mansion applay to it?

5. Since the term Taj mahal is not considered as a mogul court it is observed as TAJ and MAHAL are of Sanscrit orgin

6. The term Taj Mahal is a corrupt form of the sanskrit term TajoMahalay signifying a Shiva Temple. Agreshwar Mahadev i.e., The Lord of Agra was consecrated in it.

7. The pictures carved inside the upper border of themarble lattice plus those mounted on it number 108-a nomber sacred in Hindu Temple tradition

8. There are persons who are connected with maintainance of the Taj who have seen the ancient sacred Shiva linga and other idols sealed in the thic walls and in chambers in secret,.
he found more than this.....

May be Mr. P.N.Oak is right in these statements, which will make all of them to belive . On watching this confusions we could understood that if something is popular everybody would like to look close to it, to find some popularity for them this is really funny, isn't? But on reseaching these things it would only leads to fight.

As I asked about this to my friends, sisters and brothers
10% of them told it will be muslims property
15% of them told on hearing Mr.P.N.Oak researches it might be HINDUS property
35% of them told 1st it is HINDUS PROPERY and later it becomes property of Muslims. so obviously it is property of both
40% of them told never mind about relegions it is only a beautiful building
please aviod this religious matters and we want pease world
from these answers I could understand many of them doesn't wanted to take it as in reigious way but to make it as more popular
though it may be Hindu's or muslim's nobody will mind for it. It is just a beautyful building. AND I AM HAPPY FOR THAT, what about you my readers... ;)

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